George and Alice arranged to meet in the third train car. George has counted train cars from the back of the train, while Alice — from the front. Will they end up in the same train car Easy Game

Looks like you need some help with Easy Game game. Yes, this game is challenging and sometimes very difficult. That is why we are here to help you. Our website is the best sours which provides you with Easy Game George and Alice arranged to meet in the third train car. George has counted train cars from the back of the train, while Alice — from the front. Will they end up in the same train car answers and some additional information like walkthroughs and tips. In addition to Easy Game, the developer Easybrain has created other amazing games.

Level 217

George and Alice arranged to meet in the third train car. George has counted train cars from the back of the train, while Alice — from the front. Will they end up in the same train car Answers

  • Correct answer: yes. It doesn't matter where you count from if the train has 5 cars because the third train car will always be in the middle.
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